Sports and entertainment
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TENNIS Tennis club Smrikve is faraway 1 km from our house and there are three good tended and iluminated courts. Beside friendly householders and club members you can play tennis whenever you want. Every year in tennis club Smrikve there is happening of child tournament where are participate almost the best child from all over the world. |
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BEACH VOLLEY How is beach volley in the past few years more and more popular sport such as volleyball courts were build at almost all the beaches of Pula. The nearest playground is located on the beach Puntižela which is situated about 700m from our house. |
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WATER SPORTS On the Puntižela's beach you can try water sports such as windsurfing, water skiing, jet sky ride, ride to the "banana", boat ride, pedal boat, etc. Every year in early November in Premantura is a championship in sailing board (Hellowind) which involves surfers from all over Europe. In this part of the Adriatic sea Premantura is most suitable place for surfing where surfers can try all the strength of the wind that usually blow in that part of the peninsula. |
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GO KART Near the center of Pula, about 5km from our house is a go-cart track with a circular runway length of 1200m, where you can test your driving skills. Depending on your experience you can try out a vehicle of 9 hp up to 125 hp. |
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HORSE RIDING Horse riding in Istria it is getting more popular, and Istria with its natural beauty will give you a real pleasure while riding on its hills, valleys, streams, trails and visit the sea caves and medieval town in Istria. The ranches that are found in Manjadvorci (18 km from Villa Kascuni) and Medulin (15 km from Villa Kascuni) can attend a riding school and go on organized excursions. One of the most important equestrian event in Istria is definitely tilting at the ring (Trka na prstenac), which for decades held in Barban. |
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FLYING If you want to visit the southern part of Istria from the air, on Medulin's airport there are several planes CESNA. With the guidance of experienced pilots from the air you can visit the Nature Park Cape Kamenjak National Park Brijuni and city of Pula. Flight takes 15 or 30 minutes. |
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GOLF U nacionalnom parku Brijuni golf igralište datira još iz 1922. g. Golf igralište smješteno je na sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka i ima 18 rupa ukupne dužine 5482m. Specifičnost ovog igrališta je u tome što pored netaknute prirode golf igrate među srnama, jelenima, paunovima i ostalim životinjama koje obitavaju na otočju Brijuni. Pristup otočju moguć je s brodom koji polazi iz Fažane (Villa Kascuni je udaljena 3km od Fažane) |
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BICIKLIZAM Biciklizam u Istri ima dugu tradiciju i spada u jedan od najmasovnijih rekreativnih sportova na ovom području. Pula i okolica svojim geografskim opisom i blagom klimom omogućuju vožnju biciklom tijekom cijele godine. Samo u okolici Pule ima nekoliko označenih biciklističkih staza koje se protežu po brežuljcima, šumskim puteljcima, makadamu, putovima uz more, asfaltu i sl. Također biciklom možete razgledati centar Pule te kulturno povijesne spomenike po Puli. |